Dancing the Inner Serpent

Snake Yoga, Serpent Dances and Shedding Your Old Skin Ceremony

Full Day Workshop
Saturday December 12
10 am – 5 pm


Come join us for this day long retreat into Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Feast Day with a long luscious Snake Yoga™ session followed by Dancing with Temple Serpents and finishing with the Shedding Your Old Skin Ceremony©.


We will begin at 10 am and finish by 5 pm. Bring a lunch for yourself and wear easy to move in clothing for yoga and dance. Please no jewelry or fragrances.

***There are only 8 spaces available so register now to avoid disappointment!

For more information email leema@snakepriestess.com

This workshop qualifies you for ordination into the Temple of Isis Serpentarius.

  • Learn Snake Yoga, a restorative sacred feminine wisdom practice!
  • Dance with Temple Serpents & raise the liquid fire of your Kundalini!
  • Reconnect with your primal instinct and rediscover your primordial powers!
  • Participate in the “Shed your Old Skin Ceremony” and be born anew!
  • Workshop is limited to 8 women only. Register early to reserve your space.

Workshop held at the Goddess Garden Sanctuary. 211 Gallinas Avenue. San Rafael, CA.