A Mystery School of the Sacred Feminine

Le’ema Kathleen Graham

  • Dance Retreats and Immersions
  • Classes, Course Series
  • Private Instruction

“…within movements of sacred dance there are encodements that can elevate and transform not only the soul of the dancer but also of the audience witnessing the dance.” — Rev. Le’ema Kathleen Graham

Learn Sacred Dances and How to Channel Deities

  • Egyptian, Greek, Minoan and Celtic Goddesses
  • Native American
  • East Indian
  • Dance of the 7 Veils ~ Ishtar, Innana, Salome

Ceremonial Dance, Goddess Empowerment Dance, Becoming an Oracle of Prophecy
Dance with veils, wings, bells and finger cymbals and Temple Serpents

For more information, please contact Le’ema Kathleen Graham at 415-479-3892 or visit www.dancingpriestess.com

9 month certification program begins February 2012 for ordination in October 2012. To apply, please send a type-written letter no longer than two pages responding to the following questions:

  1. What is your dance / movement background?
  2. How does your movement practice reflect your spirituality?
  3. Why are you interested in becoming a dancing priestess?

Mail your letter of application with a $20 reading fee to:
Le’ema Kathleen Graham, 211 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael CA 94903

Le’ema will review your application and either call or email you about your acceptance into the program. You can then register for the School of the Dancing Priestess.



Le’ema Kathleen Graham is a visionary sacred dancer, ordained temple priestess, yogini and master teacher with over 30 years experience in the field of Somatics. Her work is featured in the book Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance. Her memoir Dancing the Inner Serpent: Memoirs of a Suburban Snake Priestess received a rave review in Conscious Dancer magazine. Her Snake Yoga: Sacred Feminine Wisdom instructional DVD was highlighted in the What’s Hot section of Yoga Magazine.

~ Le’ema is a seasoned priestess with much down-to-earth sacred wisdom to share. She is a true leader of our evolution on planet earth to honor the divine feminine more fully….much gratitude

~ Kathy Kali, success coach

~ Le’ema is an extraordinary priestess / guide!

~ Agave Mekare, sacred dancer

~ What an honor and pleasure to be in your company this week beautiful Le’ema! Thank you for being a Goddess, embodying your mission.

~ Jacquelyn Richey, CEO of Chakwave

~ I cherish the work that you’re doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being you.

~ Lisa Huftel, PhD Candidate at CIIS


For further information visit Le’ema’s other sites:

www.snakeyoga.com ~ www.goddesswork.com


415-479-3892 or 888-442-4497